This Primavera P6 Fundamentals training leads you through the entire project life cycle, from planning to execution. Engage in hands-on exercises and case studies that apply the features and functionality of P6 to real-world situations.
Learn To
This Primavera P6 Fundamentals training teaches you how to create a project, add activities and relationships, assign resources, adjust the project plan to account for schedule delays and overallocated resources and analyze portfolios. You’ll also learn how to customize the Personal Workspace and the Project Workspace to monitor project progress and communicate with team members.
Learn To:
- Create a project.
- Add activities.
- Create relationships.
- Assign and analyze resources.
- Analyze project performance.
- Execute and control the project.
- Customize dashboards and the Project Workspace.
Benefits to You
Enrolling in this course will help you understand P6’s basic features and functionality so you can apply them to your organization’s project management processes. You’ll develop the skills to manage projects on time and within budget to ensure optimal outcomes from capital and resource investments.
Please Note
This course uses P6, Primavera Web-based project management tool. Oracle BI and BPM are not covered in this course.
Knowledge of project management principles
- End Users
- Functional Implementer
- Project Manager
- Business Analysts
Course Objectives
- Create a Work Breakdown Structure
- Add activities
- Customize activity views
- Create relationships
- Create relationships
- Assign constraints
- Assign roles and resources
- View the Enterprise Project Structure
- Optimize the project schedule
- Create a project
- Analyze resources and costs
- Baseline the project plan
- Execute the project
- Customize dashboards
Course Topics
- Understanding P6 Data
- Creating a Project
- Creating a Work Breakdown Structure
- Adding Activities
- Using Activity Views
- Creating Relationships
- Scheduling a Project
- Assigning Constraints
- Optimizing the Project Schedule
- Viewing the Project Workspace
- Assigning Roles and Resources
- Calendars
- Baselining the Project Plan
- Executing the Project Plan
- Analyzing the Updated Project
- Viewing Dashboards
This Primavera P6 Advanced training teaches you about advanced resource management and project management topics in P6. Please note that this course uses the P6 Web interface.
Learn To
This Primavera P6 Advanced training gives you hands-on experience with advanced resource management and project management in P6, Primavera’s Web-based project management application. Topics include: creating resource teams and role teams, high-level resource planning, resource leveling, viewing and analyzing portfolio performance, assessing return on investment, capacity planning and waterline analysis, and earned value analysis.
Learn To:
- Use high-level resource planning.
- Use resource leveling.
- Staff resource requests.
- Create resource teams and role teams.
- Assess portfolio performance.
- View return on investment data.
- Conduct waterline analysis.
- Use advanced scheduling techniques.
Benefits to You
Enrolling in this course will help you understand P6’s resource and portfolio functionality so you can make improved project management decisions. You’ll learn how to manage resources effectively to maximize investment; you’ll also develop the skills to select and prioritize projects to align strategy, execution and results.
Explore the P6 Web Interface
Please note that this course uses the P6 Web interface. Case studies reinforce new skills and functionality.
Suggested Prerequisite
- Primavera P6 Fundamentals Rel 17 Ed 1
- Knowledge of project management principles
- Analyst
- End User
- Implementer
- Manager
Course Objectives
- Use advanced scheduling techniques
- Analyze portfolio performance
- Manage multiple projects
- Create resource teams
- Use high-level resource planning
- View portfolio performance
- Staff resource requests
- Create a portfolio
- Use resource leveling
Course Topics
Creating Resource Teams and Role Teams
- View the Resource Team Summary portlet.
- View the Open Requests for Resources portlet.
Viewing Portfolio Performance
- Review performance thresholds.
- Use earned value analysis.
Viewing Portfolio Information
- View return on investment data.
- View data in the Gantt Chart.
Analyzing Portfolios
- Create a portfolio view.
- View waterline analysis.
- Create a scenario.
- View the Capacity Planning page.
High-Level Resource Planning
- Assign resources and roles.
- Using Committed and Life of Project assignments.
Managing Allocation
- Using the Resource
- Usage tab to analyze units and costs.
- Grouping data on the Assignments page.
Staffing Resource Requests
- Use resource search.
Resource Leveling
- Set leveling options.
- Assign leveling priorities.
Advanced Scheduling
- Multiple float paths.
- Scheduling logic options.