Microsoft Project

HomeMicrosoft Project

What Is the Importance of Microsoft Project?

With the ever-growing complexity of projects and their schedules, it is not exaggeration to say that no project today is managed without using a Project Management Software. Microsoft Project is one of the industry-leading tools for creating, managing and tracking project schedules and generating related reporting that could be used to make insightful decisions about projects.

What is Microsoft Project?


Project management is an important management process and finds application in different industries. Not every organization has the same project management guidelines or possesses project management knowledge. We propose that today’s market structure and technological development open possibilities for offering project management as a service in different forms. Companies specialized in project management may manage a project for the benefit of another party, using the client’s technical knowledge and principles of work. Companies that want to manage their projects internally need project management training service and software solutions with certain functionalities and characteristics. The solution must follow the company policies in regard to resources, time and cost management, collaboration etc. Due to companies’ specifics, it is highly unlikely that an off-the shelf solution is applicable in every organization. The service of customization of an existing tool or development of a system specifically for the company needs can be also considered a project management service.

What is MsProject Integration?

  • Clearly mapping customer requirements – both stated and implied
  • Building a plan aligning all elements to achieve desired results
  • Defining a clear strategy for vendor on-boarding and work execution at site
  • Defining and obtaining agreement on a quality plan by all stakeholders
  • Analyzing emerging project risks creating actionable mitigation plans
  • Executing and monitoring the project against tailored quality plan and metric
  • Producing timely actionable reports to ensure effective decision making
Each of these activities is executed with a single-minded customer focus and, this helps us achieve goal congruence among all stakeholders.

GKC team of MsProject certified consultants provide:-

  • We provide constructive feedback that eliminates potential bottlenecks in execution.
  • We have the ability to detect risks early on and thus take preventative measures to avoid them.
  • We meticulously plan work packaging to ensure that all areas are covered and there are no ambiguities.
  • We have extensive knowledge of software that can assist you in better planning.
  • We ensure proper scanning for likely bottlenecks and take pre-emptive action to prevent rework
  • Data migration
  • Performance concerns Risk Identification and Mitigation Practices
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